Sunday, December 19, 2021
YOGA SHANTI GOLD: Breaking Down a Sun Salutation with the Essence of Dedication
With Colleen Saidman & Rodney Yee

Location: Yoga Shanti & ZOOM
Original Event Date:
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Level: Open (all students welcome)
Details: Join us on the 3rd Sunday of every month for Gold!
Cost: $30 (or FREE for any of our monthly Livestream pass Subscribers)
What is a sun salutation? How and from where did this modern sequence of poses evolve, and where is it going? When utilizing a salutation as a dedication, how does the feeling and breath of the sequence change? We will mine Surya Namaskar for its value and focus on the difficulties that commonly occur with practice. We will sweat our prayers in our investigation.
Participate in this discussion by submitting your questions relating to the topic above by midnight on Saturday, November 20th to with “Gold Question” in the subject line of the email.