Love Is All There Is
By Heidi Michel Fokine, February, 2017
Dear Yoga,
How long have we been at it, you and me? I’m not really sure. Let’s say forever.
I remember thinking how weird you were before we actually met. You looked kinda creepy. When we started hanging out together, the first thing I thought was “you are my future”. I was happy because it meant I could still go barefoot most of the day. I felt great whenever you were around. You were so exotic and sexy and so, so elusive. The perfect storm. Those were spectacular years.
We’ve had our rough times, too. I think I was trying to impress you, I wanted to do everything perfectly right. I used to feel guilty if I chose other friends over you. I was struggling to figure out who I was. It seemed important to know myself, which makes me laugh now, because these days all I want to do is lose myself…In YOU! I blamed you for my heartache, for all my aches. I thought of leaving you—you know I tried. I couldn’t understand what you were trying to tell me, even though you were saying it loud and clear: “LOVE IS ALL THERE IS”.
Now we’re always together. You make everything better. I’ve surrendered the struggle. Truthfully, I don’t know where I end and you begin. Crazy. How did I get so lucky to be loved by you? Is this sounding like a song? You’re the light at the end of the tunnel, you’re the horn in the fog, you’re the update to my energy field. Let’s go beyond the beyond.
The portal to infinity is the flicker of your kiss on my breath.
I love you.