Sunday, February 19, 2023
YOGA SHANTI GOLD: The Relationship Between Restorative Poses and Pranayama
With Colleen Saidman & Rodney Yee
Location: Yoga Shanti & ZOOM
Original Event Date:
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Level: Open (all students welcome)
Cost: $30 (or FREE for any of our monthly yoga subscribers)
We will sequence 3 important restorative poses in preparation for Ujayii Pranayama to explore how to receive a full and free inhalation. What is the relationship between restorative poses and easy Breathing? Which restorative poses sync up and illuminate a “victorious breath”? And why is Ujayii Pranayama an important practice? Let’s discuss and practice together! See you on Yoga Shanti Gold!
Submit any questions relating to this topic by midnight on Saturday, February 18th to with “Gold Question” in the subject line of the email.