Sunday, November 21, 2021
YOGA SHANTI GOLD: Beginning of a Winter Hibernation | A Restorative Practice
With Colleen Saidman & Rodney Yee

Location: Yoga Shanti & ZOOM
Original Event Date:
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Level: Open (all students welcome)
Details: Join us on the 3rd Sunday of every month for Gold!
Cost: $30 (or FREE for any of our monthly Livestream pass Subscribers)
Why do we practice Savasana in different shapes? When properly propped and supported, the body-mind can deep dive into the depth of its being. Some restorative poses illicit the inhalation and some the exhalation. Some help to quiet the nervous system and some stimulate it. Come and find out the basic shapes and how they harmonize to rest and restore your body and mind.. You will be surprised how much more you can let go and awaken. When we stop moving and start meditating with optimum relaxation, silence and stillness arise. When we are silent and still we become clear. When we are clearly in the present moment, desperation ceases. Bring as many props as you have: blankets, towels, blocks, chairs, sandbag, straps, eye pillows, etc. They are not all necessary but can be helpful. See you with your blanket, pillows and teddy bears!
Participate in this discussion by submitting your questions relating to the topic above by midnight on Saturday, November 20th to with “Gold Question” in the subject line of the email.