YOGA SHANTI GOLD: Inversion Modifications

Sometimes practicing inversions is not going to happen for a myriad of reasons. We believe that these are important poses and should not be skipped. But, how can you teach them safely in a public class? Also, many will just never feel safe being upside down with the weight on their arms. We will show modifications and alternative poses that will give you the essential effects of each basic inversion. There is an internal journey that these inversions and their replacements will open the door to. Never be left out again in a class that includes inversions!

Submitting any questions relating the topic above by midnight on Saturday, June 25th to with “Gold Question” in the subject line of the email.

YOGA SHANTI GOLD: Janu Sirsasana

Iyengar says that if you understand Janu Sirsasana (one-legged seated forward bend) that you will understand the essence of all of the forward bends.  What are the elements that make up this important pose? Where does it belong in sequences? We will break it down and make you fall even more in love with this crescent shaped, asymmetrical closed twist and forward bend.  Come and open up the treasure chest of Janu Sirsasana.

Participate in this discussion by submitting your questions relating to the topic above by midnight on Saturday, April 30th to with “Gold Question” in the subject line of the email.

YOGA SHANTI GOLD: Jalandhara Bandha

  1. What is Jalandhara Bandha?
  2. What is the architecture?
  3. What is the action?
  4. How do we prepare for it?
  5. Why bother?
These are some of the questions that will guide our inquiry into Jalandhara Banha. Join us for this upcoming Gold session where together we illuminate and experience the power and subtlety of the valve at the base of the throat.

Participate in this discussion by submitting your questions relating to the topic above by midnight on Saturday, March 19th to with “Gold Question” in the subject line of the email.

YOGA SHANTI GOLD: What is Pranayama, the Fourth Limb of Ashtanga Yoga (the Eight-Limbed Path)? 

Can pranayama be translated as breath control? What is the relationship between pranayama and Sutra 1.2, “Yogash Chitta Vritti Nirodaha,” which translates to “Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind”? Why is breath considered to be the bridge between the body and the mind and how do we work with it in asana practice? Should different pranayama practices be done at different times of the day or different times of our lives? How long and how often should one practice pranayama? These are some of the questions that will fuel our inquiry into Pranayama. We will do a practice that includes a few different types of breathwork and we will take the time to notice the effects of each one. You may think of it as a “breath sampler”. Join us for this experience and inquiry into one of the vital yoga practices. Your questions are encouraged.

Participate in this discussion by submitting your questions relating to the topic above by midnight on Saturday, January 15th to with “Gold Question” in the subject line of the email.

Anatomy Academy: Forward Head Position

Practicing yoga without focusing on the feet can be like driving in a car without checking the pressure of the tires. During this workshop we will look at how the structures of the feet support the entire body and how yoga asana directly supports our foundation, our feet.

Anatomy Academy: Arm Balances

Practicing yoga without focusing on the feet can be like driving in a car without checking the pressure of the tires. During this workshop we will look at how the structures of the feet support the entire body and how yoga asana directly supports our foundation, our feet.